Getting Through Your First Belt Test

First, congratulate yourself on getting through the toughest part of getting to your next belt: staying consistent and regularly attending classes. Most times, the hardest part is just getting through the door and getting started!

Now, you’ve been training for a few months, and you’ve learned your first kata (form), self-defense drills, and your basic martial arts moves (ie. punches, blocks, kicks). Now it’s time to test for your next belt, which means that your instructor feels that you’ve progressed to a point where you are ready for more knowledge.

It’s normal to be nervous. No matter how many belt test you take, you will always be nervous before one. It’s normal!

Here are our tips for preparing and getting through that first belt test.

Having your first belt test when studying martial arts almost like a rite of passage. Are you nervous? It’s normal to be nervous. No matter how many belt tests you take, you will always be nervous before one. It’s normal!

First of all, congratulate yourself on getting through the toughest part of getting to your next belt: staying consistent and attending classes. The hardest part is just walking through the door and getting started!

Now, that you’ve been training for a few months, and have learned your first kata/form, self-defense drills, and your basic martial arts moves (ie. punches, blocks, kicks, stances). Now it’s time to test for your next belt, which means that your instructor feels that you’ve progressed to a point where you are ready for more knowledge.

Here are our tips for preparing and getting through that first belt test.

#1 Your Mindset

Mindset is everything. If you don’t think you can do something, you won’t. If you believe that you can do something, you almost always will.

#2 Be Prepared

You will always know ahead of time when you are testing, and you should know what you will be tested on (if you don’t know, ask your instructor).

#3 Eat Well

Brain fog and upset stomachs aren’t something you want to be dealing with during your first belt test, especially when you get a little nervous. Make sure to get a healthy, and nutritious meal in the morning before you test and eat smart throughout the day.

#4 Don’t Stress About It

If you weren’t ready for your belt test, then your instructor wouldn’t haven’t recommended that you take it. So do as well as you would do during a normal class, and let your training, muscle memory and adrenaline take over!

Marvel receiving her yellow belt in karate.

Have you taken a belt test before? What are your best tips?

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