What to Look for in a Supplement Company

This month we have been covering all things involving supplements!  It can be so overwhelming, with so many options to choose from and not knowing exactly what your body may or may not need.

We get it!  So we are here to help guide you with making the best choices possible. 

What to look for

  • Third-party independent testing: this is not required by law, but paid for by the supplement company. This often costs the company significantly in both the testing prices and also with batch re-shipping and delays if the supplements don’t pass the quality standards 
  • Some certifications include NSF international, US Pharmacopeia, Underwriters Laboratory, or Consumer Lab Seal
  • There are limited regulations on supplements, the FDA does not evaluate effectiveness, safety, or quality of supplements.  There’s no guarantee on batch to batch consistency or that what they say is in the product is actually in the product!
  • The company uses a certificate of analysis to guarantee what the supplement says is in the product actually IS IN IT!!!  … and it doesn’t include any harmful contaminants or additives
  • Xymogen uses E-pedigree: this is an integrative system that tracks every product to prevent counterfeit products from being sold.  As far as I know, this is the only company that uses E-pedigree system
  • Does the company use research based and clinical trial evidence or does it spend its money on marketing?

For more information on supplements, join our Tribe Academy for FREE for 14 Days.

Divine Energy Balance

When we learn to embrace the beautiful energy of the divine feminine, and allow all that embodies this energy to be recognized, loved, nurtured, valued, and respected – powerful things start to happen.

This is such an important component of one’s general health which is often overlooked and not acknowledged.

If you live your life out of balance, perhaps embodied by an imbalance of masculine energy over your female energy, then things like adrenal fatigue and thyroid dysfunction will prevail, resulting in feeling burnt out, unmotivated, fatigued and more.

Join us this month as we learn the difference between our light and dark feminine energies (both very good and healthy and longing to be recognized). Discover the unique differences between your dark feminine energy and the shadow side of your feminine.

All these distinct energies are vital aspects of the whole, never bad or good, instead tools and parts of the whole. Your intentions and how you use them is the key element to harmony and energy balance. It’s a beautiful dance when recognized and embraced.

Fall Immunity Tips

Hey there! How are you feeling these days?

Hopefully you’re not under the weather, like most everyone I talk to these days. The cooler weather has officially rolled in (which I absolutely LOVE), but with it comes the germs and cooties we all hope to avoid.

No matter if you’re feeling ill, know someone who is, or just want to boost your immunity to help prevent… look no further, because we’ve got you covered!

Here are my personal lifestyle and nutrition tips, as well as supplement suggestions, to keep your system running optimal and strengthen your battle armor!

As always… I recommend high quality companies that are clean, trustworthy, and effective. NuEthix (use discount code ENERGY) and Xymogen (Wholescripts) are the companies I trust.

Suggested Supplements: These are a base to always have and take as needed, then you can add other supplements based off whether you get a cold or a virus.

  • Vitamin D (Xymogen): must be paired with K at the right dose and you must have adequate magnesium). It is fat soluble, so take it with your fats.
  • Vitamin C (non GMO form is essential): can take up to 10X the regular dose when sick or up to bowel tolerance (liposomal is good form from NuEthix)
  • Zinc Glycinate – (Xymogen) take with food and a good form or it can upset tummy – specifically protects tissue barriers in the body and helps prevent foreign pathogens from entering. It is a common deficiency in America.

Lifestyle and Nutrition Tips:

  • Sunshine: boosts levels of Vitamin D, increases blood levels of natural opiates (pain killers) called endorphins and increases the happy hormone called dopamine (antidepressant). People that don’t get enough sun have an altered cellular defense mechanism that predisposes them to excessive inflammation and autoimmune disorders. Sun lowers blood pressure and sets circadian rhythm, which improves sleep (fall asleep and STAY asleep). And it’s FREE!
  • Gentle Movement: moves lymph (body’s trash pick-up system). A sluggish lymphatic system can result in a lowered immune system, fluid retention, cellulite, and fatty deposits. It can also be a roost cause of respiratory problems, sinus infections, swollen glands, eczema, colds and ear infections. Through exercise you are increasing the movement of more immune cells, providing extra time for the immune cells to identify unwanted intruders and keep you from getting sick. Movement also exercises the lungs, which will help prevent infections and pneumonia.
  • Grounding: decreases inflammation, improves sleep, normalizes the day-night cortisol rhythm, and increases deep sleep. Reduces pain by decreasing inflammation. Reduces stress by shifting the autonomic nervous system from sympathetic toward parasympathetic activation. Increases heart rate variability and de-clumps red blood cells. A great way to increase immunity.

Don’t forget to follow us on our social pages for more detailed information regarding immunity boosting! 

What To Do When You’re Sick

Why we are Gluten Free

This past month has been quite a roller coaster ride for my health… from numerous doctor appointments, tests, and failed attempts for treatment – this mysterious illness has challenged my immune system in all directions. But thankfully for my strong foundation, knowledge, and true understanding of my body, I am beginning to improve. My journey to heal and repair my gut, while up leveling my immunity has begun…. and I want you to join me!

I thought this would be a great opportunity to share this experience with you and to guide you through my journey to recovery and healing. I want to teach you the tips to heal and seal your gut through supplements, nutrition, and lifestyle (mine will need to be nurtured and rebuilt after many rounds of antibiotics, one of which I had an allergic reaction to!) Follow me on our social pages as I go through this healing and mending process and regain my energy, strength and vitality while rebuilding my immune system.

Here are some of the supplements I will be sharing on my journey:

  • Bloat-eaze from NuEthix or IgG200 from Xymogen: both heal and seal the gut musical lining to mend leaky gut. Immunoglobulins selectively bind and neutralize only the toxins and leave all the good stuff… a great way to do an extremely natural and veneficial cleanup of your digestive system.
  • FloraProtect from NuEthix or ProbioMax from Xymogen: both repopulate the gut with beneficial bacteria which boosts immunity and helps produce neurotransmitters to help balance mood.
  • Magnesium Glycinate or Malate (Optimag from Xymogen): helps with cardio health, nerve health and cellular absorption.
  • Magnesium Citrate from Xymogen (IF NEEDED): helps with bowel regularity and motility (if constipated)
  • Fiber (Organic India from Wholescripts): helps stop loose stools or diarrhea.
  • Digestive Enzymes (XymoZyme from Xymogen): help the digestive system break down fats, proteins, and starches. When you are sick you have less digestive capacity to adequately digest and absorb the nutrients, leading to nutrient deficiencies.
  • GlutAloeMine from Xymogen: this all-in-one powder heals the gut. Glutamine serves as the predominant fuel and nitrogen source for the mucosal lining of the GI tract, arabinogalactan helps with the production of gut microflora and increases the beneficial short-chain fatty acid production. Aloe vera leaf extract helps sooth the inflamed lining.
  • NuFlame Defense (NuEthix): contains Turmeric, Boswella and Hops
  • Fatty Acids (NuEthix): concentrated Omega
  • Monopure Curcumin (Wholesscripts): combination of Curcuminoid and Turmeric essential extract and concentrated Omegas
  • SynovX DJD (Wholescripts): combination of MSM, Chondroitin, Glucosamine and Hyaluronic Acid (used to lower join inflammation and pain)
  • Green Tea 600 (Wholescripts): concentrated antioxidant to lower inflammation and aids in immune support

Lifestyle and Nutrition:

  • Cold Immersion
  • Magnesium Salt Baths
  • Grounding
  • Adding Anti-Inflammatory foods and removing inflammatory foods (check out our Evolve Energy Tribe Cookbook or Tribe Academy) www.evolveenergytribe.com
  • Lymphatic Massage
  • Frankincense Essential Oil

For access to any of these supplements just visit nuethix.com and use my discount code: ENERGY or 

Don’t forget to follow us on our social pages (Facebook and Instagram) for more detailed information regarding gut health this week, which will lead us into our next topic of lowering inflammation.

How to Eat Out and Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle?

You know oh so we’ll those busy afternoons when you just got home from work or picking kids up from school, running errands, putting our fires, answering emails and phone calls and then you look up and realize dinner hasn’t been planned, let alone prepped!

There’s no question, it’s down to take out or possibly even fast food. How do we do this and still maintain our healthy mindset.

  • Investigate: you can look online for gluten free, Keto or Paleo options
  • Keep It Simple: order raw, grilled or roasted veggies or meat.
  • Watch Out: look into sauces, soups and dressings for inflammatory ingredients
  • Simple Alternative for Dressings: Ask for extra lemons and/or avocados. Squeeze lemon juice onto salad with some sea salt and olive oil
  • Bring Your Own: Toss some salad dressing from home into your purse (pour into a small storage container so you don’t need to take the entire bottle). Do the same with Coconut Aminos, which is an excellent substitute for soy sauce!
  • Have A Drink OR Dessert. Choose one or the other- not both. This is better for you on your overall blood sugar load. Take a Glucose Disposal Agent before consuming your sweet treats to blunt the insulinic effect.
  • Take Things to Aid Your Body’s Digestion: Tale digestive enzymes before eating out and follow with activated coconut charcoal before bed.

We hope these tips make a positive impact on your choices for your family when eating out. Now this is just the tip of the iceberg, our membership dives much deeper into all of these concepts and offers so much more wisdom and guidance.

Top 5 Ingredients to Avoid when Grocery Shopping

We see these ingredients EVERYWHERE! Now that you are equipped with some very valuable knowledge, you can tackle the grocery store with confidence and keep your family on the right tack. Use your radar when shopping, read those labels so you can detect these nasty little aliens and eliminate them from your kitchen.

Spread the word to your families and friends! Keep in mind, this is just the cliff notes version of all that is really out there. To learn more you can join our membership for a vast resource library or all things healthy, from physical , emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic!

Top 5 ingredients to avoid when grocery shopping:

High Fructose Corn Syrup
It’s in almost everything and is a leading contributor to weight gain, fatty liver and diabetes

93% of soybeans are genetically modified. Soy is estrogenic, which leads to hormonal imbalance, weight gain and negatively impacts your thyroid

Processed Seed Oils
Vegetable, Cotton Seed, Grape Seed, Safflower, Sunflower, Canola, Corn and Soy. These all lead to inflammation and increase your risk for cardiovascular disease. Many studies show they are worse than smoking cigarettes!

Aspartame (Nutrasweet or Equal)
Artificial Sweeteners that are linked to mood disorders, depression, anxiety, migraines, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia and more!

Monosodium Glutamate
Potent neurotoxin that affects the chemical composition of your hippocampus activating neurodegenerative pathways. Excitotoxin which overstimulates neurons in the brains causing them to become exhausted and die

First Promotion 2020 – Celebrating the Year

This weekend our dojo: Cumming Martial Arts, had its annual First Promotion ceremony at a local high school. This ceremony is special because it’s the only time during the year that the entire school is together with all students in one place at one time.

This year was was very special to our little family because this is the first time that all three of us gals: me, Lyla and Mia participated in in the festivities.

Lyla received an award for best sword competitor, and I received an award for outstanding adult in 2019. Lyla also received an award for academic achievement. We are so glad to be part of a martial arts school that values achievements outside of the dojo.

I was also so honored to become a new Mamasan alongside these two amazing ladies, which is an honor given to dojo moms who make a big impact at the school.

After the awards, it was time for demonstrations!

The obstacle course is always so cute to watch, as the Tiny Tigers race to win a trophy. Mia came in second place in her division and we are so proud!

The competition team, Team Tsunami, performed a team demo to round our the student demonstrations. Lyla and I had the opportunity to perform part of the sword kata together, which was such a great experience! We are looking forward to doing much more of this in the future!

As coaches, we were very proud of these students because we only had one or two classes to prepare for it and we felt that they held their own very well. Onwards and upwards! Here’s to an amazing 2020!

The Inaugural North Georgia Open

We had the opportunity to attend the inaugural North Georgia Open by PROMAC this past weekend. This tournament was literally less than a mile and a half from our dojo, so it felt like it was right in our backyard!

It was so amazing to have so many of our fellow Cumming Martial Arts students in attendance to cheer each other on and celebrate our wins!

Our dojo ended up with 13 first places, 12 second places, 11 third places, and 2 grand champions. What a way to welcome the North Georgia Open to Cumming, Georgia!

Not to mention, we got some snow as well! Just the frosting on top of a great day!

Kicking 2020 off in Tennessee

We started our karate competition season off with a road trip to Franklin, Tennessee for the Middle Tennessee Classic by PROMAC.

While it was awesome to get back into competition mode, make new ones friends from all over the Southeast US; part of the reason we love traveling to tournaments is making these weekends a mini getaway.

After the Middle Tennessee Classic tournament, we spent the rest of the weekend exploring Nashville and visiting our friends at the Gentle Barn Tennessee.

Nashville has so many amazing murals around the city. If you find yourself there, definitely try to visit a few of them. The angel wings were our favorite, and they were so gorgeous in person!

The Gentle Barn Tenneessee holds a special place in my (Melissa’s) heart. Dudley, their three legged cow, played an enormous part in my journey to not eating meat. The sweet animals who still live at the Gentle Barn carry on his legacy at the sanctuary. They serve as amazing ambassadors for kindness to animals everywhere.

8 Easy Core Exercises for Kids


Core strength is so important. Your core muscles are the base of support for your entire body, and play a huge role in everyday activities. When core muscles are strengthened, you also reap the benefits of improving your balance and overall stability, which makes you less likely to injure yourself. 

Creating that stable base is super important, especially when you start doing movement. And the thing is, kids don’t naturally have lots of core strength, it’s something you build up as you get older. We also have a few other things to thank: increasingly demanding academics and more interest in sedentary technology. 

Here are a few easy exercises that are great for kids to start strengthening their core.

8 Easy Core Exercises for Kids

1. Bridge with head down, butt up – 5 slow reps
This is a great warm up for the core, tighten the glutes and tummy when lifting up with the legs.

2. Boat to Canoe – 10 reps
Modification is to keep your hands on the ground next to your hips. Try to keep toes off the ground. Bent knees in the boat pose, then straighten your legs while keeping your feet off the ground for canoe.

3. Russian Twists – 20 reps
Keep toes off ground, touch hand on each side of hips.

4. Basic Plank – hold for count of 20, 3 reps
Tighten tummy, push the ground away, with your shoulders. Make sure butt is not sticking up and body is in a straight line. This pose takes some practice for the little ones to get properly. I’ve found that giving them a spot to look just ahead of their hands helps with alignment.

5. Elbow Plank to Dolphin – 10 reps
Starting in elbow plank, push your hips back into the sky, forehead to the ground, then back to elbow plank.

6. Plank to Elbow Plank – 10 reps
Right hand to elbow, left hand to elbow. Then right elbow to hand, left elbow to hand. Repeat with left hand going first.

7. Superman – 5 reps
Starting on your belly, lift your chest and legs off the ground and hold for a count to 10. Relax and repeat.

Modification – superman with arms back. I like to call this one: flying mermaid

8. Cobra Pose
Stretch after doing these core exercises.