How to Eat Out and Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle?

You know oh so we’ll those busy afternoons when you just got home from work or picking kids up from school, running errands, putting our fires, answering emails and phone calls and then you look up and realize dinner hasn’t been planned, let alone prepped!

There’s no question, it’s down to take out or possibly even fast food. How do we do this and still maintain our healthy mindset.

  • Investigate: you can look online for gluten free, Keto or Paleo options
  • Keep It Simple: order raw, grilled or roasted veggies or meat.
  • Watch Out: look into sauces, soups and dressings for inflammatory ingredients
  • Simple Alternative for Dressings: Ask for extra lemons and/or avocados. Squeeze lemon juice onto salad with some sea salt and olive oil
  • Bring Your Own: Toss some salad dressing from home into your purse (pour into a small storage container so you don’t need to take the entire bottle). Do the same with Coconut Aminos, which is an excellent substitute for soy sauce!
  • Have A Drink OR Dessert. Choose one or the other- not both. This is better for you on your overall blood sugar load. Take a Glucose Disposal Agent before consuming your sweet treats to blunt the insulinic effect.
  • Take Things to Aid Your Body’s Digestion: Tale digestive enzymes before eating out and follow with activated coconut charcoal before bed.

We hope these tips make a positive impact on your choices for your family when eating out. Now this is just the tip of the iceberg, our membership dives much deeper into all of these concepts and offers so much more wisdom and guidance.

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