Hydration Tip – Add Electrolytes to Your Water


Here’s our hydration tip of the day: Why add electrolytes to water?

Adding electrolytes to your water does far more than hydrate you, it also:

  • Supplies your body with energy
  • Provides for FAT break down (Lipolysis)
  • Makes enzymes responsible for hormones
  • Enables good digestion and absorption of food

Types of electrolytes that you can add include redmond sea salt, celtic sea salt, or any non-sugary electrolyte mix that you can find.

To learn more about hydration and more health tips, join the Tribe Academy today for instant access to world class health coaching.

Why Should I Detox?

The concept of detoxification, or “detox,” is often discussed in the context of health and wellness. While there are a lot of detox programs available on the market, it’s important to select a program that is tested and safe to do.

In our modern, post-industrial, radiated, metal-laden, polluted, glyphosate-sprayed, GMO-concentrated era, everyone needs to detox and clean the system.

We are inundated with “cellular toxicity”, plastics, phytoestrogens, metals, pharmaceuticals, herbicides, pesticides and all manner of other chemicals that can overwhelm our liver, kidneys and built-in detoxification system.

No matter how well you eat or workout, you cannot protect your body completely. Whether it’s from brake dust on car roads, or mercury from electronic equipment, or herbicides on the apples at our friend’s house, or estrogens in the shampoo at the hotel, or mold on the carpeting at the gym, toxins from air pollutants, or airport recirculated nastiness:  our bodies are overloaded. 

Chronic exposure to this onslaught of chemical and physical stressors will compound and at some point begin to overflow.  Then things like cellular inflammation gets triggered; that’s when symptoms arise, that’s when disease manifests, that’s when healthy people all of a sudden break out with something like cancer, or fibromyalgia, or thyroid conditions, or chronic pain, or any other numbers of inflammation driven diseases.

Here are some reasons why you may want to do a detox:

  • Removal of toxins: Detoxification is a way to rid the body of toxins accumulated from various sources such as food, air, water, and environmental pollutants. While the body does have its own mechanisms for eliminating toxins (e.g., liver, kidneys), doing a safe detox program will help eliminate more of these toxins.
  • Improved health and energy: A proper detox program will improve your energy levels, clear up your skin, improve digestion, and lead to overall better health. By eliminating toxins and “resetting” the body, you can feel rejuvenated and revitalized.
  • Weight loss: By ridding your body of toxins, and flooding it with nutrients from the cleanse part of the program, your body will reset and re-learn how to efficiently burn excess fat.
  • Mental clarity and emotional well-being: Detoxing can give you more mental clarity, improved focus, and enhanced emotional well-being. By eliminating substances that may affect brain function or mood, you may experience a sense of clarity and balance.

To get started with one of our medically-based, safe detox & cleanse programs, check them out here:

Winter Detox & Cleanse program

Summer Detox & Cleanse program

Choosing the Best Type of Magnesium Supplement for You

Looking for the right magnesium for your body can be quite tricky. There are so many types of magnesium that it can get overwhelming.

Here is how to choose the best magnesium supplement for you:

Magnesium L-Threonate
Best taken at night
Helps brain health and may be beneficial for cognitive function

Magnesium Sulfate
Best taken at night, morning, or after a meal
Beneficial to relieve self from muscle pain or any soreness

Magnesium Glycinate
Best taken at night
Helps in relieving anxiety and other heart-related conditions

Magnesium Citrate
Best taken at night, morning, or after a meal
Supports a better bowl movement as it acts like a laxative

Magnesium Oxide
Best taken at night
Helps in relieving anxiety and other heart-related conditions

Magnesium Chloride
Best taken at night or after a meal
Treats muscle cramps and pain, plus it also detoxifies the body

Magnesium Malate
Best taken at night, morning, or after a meal
Reduces fatigue and inflammation in the body

Magnesium Lactate
Best taken at night, morning, or after a meal
Supports the nervous system and helps heart functions

What to Look for in Your Supplements

Ever wonder if the supplements you are taking are actually worth the money you’re spending on them?  

Did you know that 92% of the US population has multiple vitamin deficiencies?

Quality Supplements have high bioavailability, making it easily absorbable by the body. 

The body is naturally intelligent and will keep only what it needs.  Nourish and provide enough and let it decide what to do with it… much better than being deficient and not providing protection for disease or illness.  

How do you know they are quality and you’re not just peeing them out.   To continue our monthly theme #WHATSUPP, we have some answers for you!

What to look for

  • Search for the highest purity – how was the supplement produced? Is it free of toxins and fillers?  (Example: fish oil that has not been extracted properly (or stored and shipped properly) can be highly inflammatory due to rancidity.  Quality fish oil that has been tested for purity is highly ANTI-inflammatory.
  • Identifiable sourcing – this includes identifying which part of the plant or herb is being used (example: the herb Rhodiola, which part of the plant did they use -the root, the stem, the leaves, the flower- this makes a huge difference in the efficacy of the supplement) This also includes the location or type of animal (example: whey protein source from grass fed New Zealand cows) 
  • Enhanced bio availability – can the supplement withstand the gastric environment in your stomach.
  • Is it paired with its cofactors to enable the supplement to get to its destination
  • Is it in the form that allows for the maximum absorption? 
  • Supplements often require cofactors, such as vitamin K and vitamin D for maximum benefit 
  • Medical grade concentration – you must look at how much of each nutrient or vitamin is in each dose (how is it measured: grams, milligrams?  How many pills do you need to take to get the same benefit)
  • Practitioner-only or prescription supplements often are far more concentrated than over-the-counter options
  • No toxins or fillers and needs a COA (certificate of authenticity)

Our co-founder, Mindy, is a practitioner for Xymogen and NuEthix. Both companies hold the high standards of integrity, purity and honesty while encapsulating the bullet points mentioned above, 

Some other great companies are Thorne, Designs for Health, Cellcore, and Quicksilver.

For more information on supplements, join our Tribe Academy for FREE for 14 Days.

Supplements for Athletes

Roasted Fall Vegetables easy recipe

1. Creatine: allows the body to make more energy (better endurance for longer and more intensive training)

2. Quality protein powder: helps build lean muscle, it is predigested for quick absorption, helps increase daily protein intake

3. Amino acids: building blocks of protein (muscle growth, repair, maintenance, and support) -used in our fat burning window to preserve muscles 

4. Electrolytes: necessary for cellular hydration, muscle contraction, and blood pressure (lack of electrolytes increase fatigue and decrease performance)

5. Curcumin: can reduce muscle fatigue and soreness after exercise (natures Tylenol)

Supplements we recommend 

1. NuFlame by NuEthix -combo or curcumin and boswella extract 

2. ISO-Pure by NuEthix – grass fed clean whey protein (yummy flavors)

3. Electrolytes – Celtic or Redmond sea salt 

4. Amino acids – XymoBolX by Xymogen 

5. Creatine – anything with the form creapure is a great choice

For more information on supplements, join our Tribe Academy for FREE for 14 Days.

What to Look for in a Supplement Company

This month we have been covering all things involving supplements!  It can be so overwhelming, with so many options to choose from and not knowing exactly what your body may or may not need.

We get it!  So we are here to help guide you with making the best choices possible. 

What to look for

  • Third-party independent testing: this is not required by law, but paid for by the supplement company. This often costs the company significantly in both the testing prices and also with batch re-shipping and delays if the supplements don’t pass the quality standards 
  • Some certifications include NSF international, US Pharmacopeia, Underwriters Laboratory, or Consumer Lab Seal
  • There are limited regulations on supplements, the FDA does not evaluate effectiveness, safety, or quality of supplements.  There’s no guarantee on batch to batch consistency or that what they say is in the product is actually in the product!
  • The company uses a certificate of analysis to guarantee what the supplement says is in the product actually IS IN IT!!!  … and it doesn’t include any harmful contaminants or additives
  • Xymogen uses E-pedigree: this is an integrative system that tracks every product to prevent counterfeit products from being sold.  As far as I know, this is the only company that uses E-pedigree system
  • Does the company use research based and clinical trial evidence or does it spend its money on marketing?

For more information on supplements, join our Tribe Academy for FREE for 14 Days.

How to Eat Out and Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle?

You know oh so we’ll those busy afternoons when you just got home from work or picking kids up from school, running errands, putting our fires, answering emails and phone calls and then you look up and realize dinner hasn’t been planned, let alone prepped!

There’s no question, it’s down to take out or possibly even fast food. How do we do this and still maintain our healthy mindset.

  • Investigate: you can look online for gluten free, Keto or Paleo options
  • Keep It Simple: order raw, grilled or roasted veggies or meat.
  • Watch Out: look into sauces, soups and dressings for inflammatory ingredients
  • Simple Alternative for Dressings: Ask for extra lemons and/or avocados. Squeeze lemon juice onto salad with some sea salt and olive oil
  • Bring Your Own: Toss some salad dressing from home into your purse (pour into a small storage container so you don’t need to take the entire bottle). Do the same with Coconut Aminos, which is an excellent substitute for soy sauce!
  • Have A Drink OR Dessert. Choose one or the other- not both. This is better for you on your overall blood sugar load. Take a Glucose Disposal Agent before consuming your sweet treats to blunt the insulinic effect.
  • Take Things to Aid Your Body’s Digestion: Tale digestive enzymes before eating out and follow with activated coconut charcoal before bed.

We hope these tips make a positive impact on your choices for your family when eating out. Now this is just the tip of the iceberg, our membership dives much deeper into all of these concepts and offers so much more wisdom and guidance.

Top 5 Ingredients to Avoid when Grocery Shopping

We see these ingredients EVERYWHERE! Now that you are equipped with some very valuable knowledge, you can tackle the grocery store with confidence and keep your family on the right tack. Use your radar when shopping, read those labels so you can detect these nasty little aliens and eliminate them from your kitchen.

Spread the word to your families and friends! Keep in mind, this is just the cliff notes version of all that is really out there. To learn more you can join our membership for a vast resource library or all things healthy, from physical , emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic!

Top 5 ingredients to avoid when grocery shopping:

High Fructose Corn Syrup
It’s in almost everything and is a leading contributor to weight gain, fatty liver and diabetes

93% of soybeans are genetically modified. Soy is estrogenic, which leads to hormonal imbalance, weight gain and negatively impacts your thyroid

Processed Seed Oils
Vegetable, Cotton Seed, Grape Seed, Safflower, Sunflower, Canola, Corn and Soy. These all lead to inflammation and increase your risk for cardiovascular disease. Many studies show they are worse than smoking cigarettes!

Aspartame (Nutrasweet or Equal)
Artificial Sweeteners that are linked to mood disorders, depression, anxiety, migraines, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia and more!

Monosodium Glutamate
Potent neurotoxin that affects the chemical composition of your hippocampus activating neurodegenerative pathways. Excitotoxin which overstimulates neurons in the brains causing them to become exhausted and die