Advanced Core

About this Ab Program

This program is different from other ab programs out there, because it uses 5 ELEMENTS in a specific order, to achieve the sculpted six pack LOOK along with functional strength. Many other ab programs available only have a couple of the elements incorporated, but not all 5 and that’s the KEY.


~ Mindy Jones Lee, co-founder of Evolve Energy Tribe

Mindy Jones Lee - the creator of the Advanced Core ab program
Advanced Core ab program key element - Stability
Element 1

Stability movements activates the TVA which is the foundation for safety and balance.

Advanced Core ab program key element - rotation
Element 2

Rotation is generally a huge missing element in most ab programs. If we don’t use it we lose it, this element creates a smaller waistline (think of twisting a piece of paper).

Advanced Core ab program key element - Explosion Cardio
Element 3

Explosive movement activates quick fat loss by elevating the heart rate and using high intensity bursts.

Advanced Core ab program key element - pulse
Element 4

Pulsing creates definition and the look of a shredded midsection.

Advanced Core ab program key element - elevation
Element 5

Elevation is a huge missing part of most all core programs. This type of moment allows the organs to lift off the pelvic floor, and also allows your abs to get proper contractions, thus flattening out the stubborn lower abdominal section.

What’s Included in this Ab Program:

Advanced Core ab program schedule planner

Daily Program Plan

✓ Printable Workout Schedule
✓ Lots of Tips, Support & Results

Advanced Core ab program online video library

Follow-Along Videos

✓ 24 Ab Workout Videos
✓ Follow Along Workouts with Timer

Advanced Core ab program fat burning supplements - Evolve Energy Tribe

Bonus Guide

✓ Quick Fat Burning Supplement Guide

Advanced Core ab program testimonial
Advanced Core ab program testimonial
Advanced Core ab program testimonial